The ECERTA Project


Nonlinear Aeroelastic Simulation for Certification

University of Liverpool 13-15 September, 2010


The workshop will build on three pillars:

  1. EU FP6 project ECERTA
  2. 2008 AFRL/EOARD supported workshop on bifurcations/reduction of large system,
  3. AFRL series on research challenges for flutter clearance.
The aim is to stimulate collaboration in nonlinear aeroelasticity with application to aircraft applications. Specific aims of the workshop will be to
  1. Promote the requirements and views of European industry in this area
  2. Create activity around a number of test cases specified in detail beforehand

Five sessions will be covered in the workshop:

  1. Outcomes of ECERTA Project: Exploiting Aerodynamic Hierarchies for Envelope Searches; Calculating Influence of Parametric Uncertainty in Structural Model; Identification of Structural Damping; Centre Manifold Reduction for computing Uncertainty Influence on LCO responses
  2. Nonlinear Aeroelasticity: contributed talks
  3. Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity : contributed talks
  4. European Industry Requirements: invited talks
  5. Collaborative Activity around test cases